Adult Education
Are you considering becoming a Catholic? Are you unsure about the Catholic Church but want to know more about it? Do you know someone who would be interested in becoming Catholic? RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a program which serves to guide people in their faith journey into the Catholic Church. Presently, RCIA is offered once a year between September and Easter, with a series of weekly classes on Sunday afternoons at 1:30pm. For a list of frequently asked questions and answers about RCIA, please click here; these informative links may also prove helpful along your faith journey.
Adult Faith Formation
Ministry Leader: Fr. Gordian Iwuji & E. Perez (RICA Spanish)
A program of Bible study and Faith Formation for adults over 16 is given starting Sunday Nov. 10th from 1:30am – 2:30am from September until May. Classes in Spanish will be starting from Nov. 3rd fro 3:00pm - 5:00pm. Lessons, based on the Catholicism Study series, will cover both the Old and New Testaments with an emphasis on deepening our understanding of the Word of God, enriching prayer life and expanding our participation as members of the Mystical Body of Christ. Each lesson will include prayer, and personal study. Watch the bulletin for dates and other specifics of each study series. If you are interested in learning more about the Bible, you are welcome.